Chichester and District Bonsai Society

Chichester & District Bonsai Society 2025 Diary

(club nights IN RED)

15th MarchRe-potting day workshop 10.00am to 3.00pm at Shippam Hall
10th AprilWorkshop/Tuition evening
13th AprilExpo Bonsai @K2 Crawley
8th MayTalk/Demo on accents & Kusamono by Mike Smith
7th JuneWorkshop at Manor Nursery 10.00 – 13.00. Workshops are open to the public to bring along their trees for advice
12th JuneTalk by Paul Eslinger on Refining & Development
10th JulyPreparation for Club show on the 19th & 20th July
19th & 20th JulyAnnual Chichester Exhibition @ Manor Nursery
14th AugustT.B.A.
6th SeptemberWorkshop at Manor Nursery 10.00 – 13.00. Workshops are open to the public to bring along their trees for advice
11th SeptemberAuction of Bonsai Trees and Materials
5th OctoberHeathrow Show, Chichester exhibiting
9th OctoberSociety Members closed club Autumn Show
13th OctoberChichester exhibiting at Heathrow show
13th NovemberPreparation / Protection for the winter
11th DecemberAGM & Christmas Social evening